This is a 21 year old furnace that was being safety tested. However this time we found a very unstable flame in the burner? And high Carbon Monoxide in the exhaust flue. Anything over 400ppm is unsafe. This unit was rising well above that. We checked for blockages in the air intake. Even cut open the air intake pipe to be sure. Unit has a failed heat exchanger. This is unsafe and could cause flue gas to leak into the duct work and potentially poisonous ☠️ Carbon Monoxide sickness or death. This client decided to upgrade her system compleatly and had us add central air conditioning to the house since we needed to change the furnace anyway. Removed the old equipment. furnished and installed a York Affinity High Efficientt 97.5% gas furnace with new 2 ton R410A central AC condensing unit and evaporator coil. We also installed a new April Aire 600 central humidifier to prevent dry house & nasal passages in the winter. A high capacity Air-Bear filter was also installed for easy filter changes. This unit qualifies for multiple gasnetworks rebates $1,250 for the high efficient furnace and $100 for the Ecobee smart thermostat Pro. If you’re in the Chelmsford MA & Greater Lowell area and need to upgrade your system. Plese go to:
7 Surprising Benefits of Adopting a High-Efficiency Heating System
Your choice of heating system can significantly impact the warmth of your home during the cold winter months. If you’re still clinging to that ancient furnace that sounds like a dinosaur trying to clear its throat, it might be time for a little upgrade. Adopting a high-efficiency heating system is not just a smart decision;