
Gree Vireo 20 Seer Single Zone Ductless Heat Pump & Air Conditioning Install

Gree Vireo single zone 24,000BTU heat pump & ductless air conditioning unit installation in Acton Massachusetts. This install will cool the entire first floor consisting of a dining room, living room kitchen and family TV room. It also can provide…
Gree Vireo 20 Seer Single Zone Ductless Heat Pump & Air Conditioning Install

Gree Vireo single zone 24,000BTU heat pump & ductless air conditioning unit installation in Acton Massachusetts. This install will cool the entire first floor consisting of a dining room, living room kitchen and family TV room. It also can provide heat in the event they want to not use the oil fired boiler. These provide very efficient heating and cooling and they are whisper quiet. These also will qualify for MassSave rebates.

All right today we’re in Acton massachusetts and michael and i Are going to put this grey Vro single zone two ton system in today Mike’s just getting things staged and Set up This high efficient 20 seer Heat pump air conditioning unit Is going to go inside here we’ve got to Trim back some of these bushes And it’s going to get mounted up on the Wall right around there So as soon as we get everything set up And in place We’re going to mount this unit on that Wall back there all right All right we’re getting set up here We’ve got our gree 24 000 btu vero 20 seer unit Here we got to clear some bushes because It was very overgrown We’re going to come out a little hole There next to the Shutter and michael’s getting the wall Bracket mounted now for us to put it up On top of that And then we’ll pipe it down through There through some Duct concealer and into the unit We’re getting the unit in a vacuum right Now we need to get into a pure vacuum Michael’s getting the covering put back On the hole’s sealed up Vacuum machine going

Heading down and it’s getting the wiring Completed In this green multi-inverter Split ac heat pump unit This unit will be able to produce 24 000 Btus of cooling As well as heat so they’ll have Supplemental heat So we’re getting close to being done Here we have Frank bignani doing the electrical Wiring for us Here we have michael now connecting the Last of the wiring To the indoor head we’ll be controlling The outdoor unit to come on and off Whether it be heat or cooling As soon as we get this done we’ll be Able to start the system up There you go there’s the finished Product Everything’s in and tight mindset Run nice and neat This green unit will be 20 seer on the Cooling 10 Heating rating I’ll show you on the inside all right Michael’s got this all set up Holy cow the coldness coming off of There is Unbelievable I thought i’d throw up the viero gri Documentation for anybody if they wanted To review it if you’d like

To get a system installed please go to Debacleplumbing.com i’d be happy to come Out And do a home evaluation for you and we Can discuss Options of what we can do for you thank You


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