This client in Lowell MA had a very old cast iron steam boiler that was no longer functioning. It was formally a oil fired boiler and was converted to gas with a bolt on gas conversion burner 30+ years ago. She had all the asbestos removed from the piping and the pipes re insulated with fiberglass. She also had to have a stainless steel chimney liner installed because the chimney was unlined. We removed the old boiler and furnished and installed the properly sized Peerless gas fired 63-03L steam boiler. We repiped it with the Peerless Hartford loop manifold kit. Replaced the main line return vents and installed all new steam adjustable radiator vents so she can better balance the house’s heat distribution in each room. We filled the system and flushed it. We also installed Pure Pro steam boiler water treatment to help clean system and produce nice dry steam vapor. The system started up and she has nice even heat to all rooms now including two radiators that have not heated for 30 years. Shout out to Dan Holohan’s teaching the Lost Art of Steam Heating Training I did over 30 years ago and still use to this day. “Crank it Down” Making homes comfortable where people have given up on the old systems. A properly sized and properly piped system is a great thing!
Foreign This is Ralph from debacle Plumbing Today we got a kick at old school and Replace this Steam boiler that has failed It's an old oil-fired boiler that was Converted at some point over the years To a gas burner so Michael and I have Got to get all of this taken apart and Removed the hard part is going to be Getting Getting it out And up and out of these stairs The board weighs about 5 500 pounds so It's not going to be a fun day Thank you Now we gotta skin the Beast we've Skinned it of all its jacket broken it Down now we're going to break each Section apart from one another So we can carry them out one piece at a Time rather than this one giant chunk It's gone oh movie it's a movie Stand on it 206 pounds pushing down Plus because you're on the edge Surprised I didn't Unusable afterwards anyways Foreign Ty B and I and Michael finished this Today here in Lowell Foreign System took out that old oil converted To gas
System proper Hartford Loop Peerless Peerless his own kit And there you go Properly installed and piped There we go