Our long time client in Chelmsford Massachusetts had a 26+ year old gas Bryant furnace fail in February. It had a old two zone damper system that had stopped working. We removed the old furnace and the outdoor old R22 3 ton condensing unit. We furnished and installed a new 97.5% efficient York Affinity gas furnace. With new R410A 3 ton outdoor condensing unit. Relocated out from under the back steps that was causing poor cooling of old system due to lack of air flow. We included a new Honeywell whole house humidifier and a high capacity Trion Air Bear filter cabinet with a 2”x25”x5” high capacity air filter that is really easy to change with the access door. New EWC 2 zone control board and new zone dampers now the home is properly heating first and second floor of this 1960’s era split ranch. Our client also qualified for the MassSave Home heat 0% 7 year loan for this installation and will get a $1,250 rebate back as well. If you are in the Chelmsford Massachusetts area and would like to update your homes heating & cooling system. Please contact us at: https://dibaccoplumbing.com/contact/
7 Surprising Benefits of Adopting a High-Efficiency Heating System
Your choice of heating system can significantly impact the warmth of your home during the cold winter months. If you’re still clinging to that ancient furnace that sounds like a dinosaur trying to clear its throat, it might be time for a little upgrade. Adopting a high-efficiency heating system is not just a smart decision;